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Tennessee Valley Chapter

The Tennessee Valley Chapter (TVC) of the Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) remains passionate in providing unique Aviation professional development and networking programs/events and the steadfast support of our Soldiers and Department of the Army Civilians in the Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, and North Alabama region. Despite the continued challenges presented by the COVID-19 Virus, in 2021 the TVC leadership continued an excellent relationship with the Huntsville/Redstone community, including the Army Materiel Command, AMCOM, and PEO Aviation. In fact, the chapter was often the first place Aviation system commands and Huntsville professional and community organizations turned to for support of their events and efforts during these trying times. Additionally, the TVC found itself to be the first stop for industry partners looking for the visibility of community support. Our chapter continued its proud tradition of bringing both the commercial and government Army Aviation communities together, supporting not only individual Soldiers, but our Huntsville/Redstone community and the Aviation enterprise. The TVC remains an active chapter that works hard to build on the strong relationships with our industry partners while garnering enthusiastic participation during our diversified and frequent Chapter events. We have built a most supportive membership that takes to heart our charter and works for the benefit of the Chapter.

Sunshine Committee Form

Annual Events

  • Joseph P. Cribbins APS - Annual Symposium of industry and the aviation logistics and acquisition
  • Spring and Fall Bass Tournaments - Open to members and families for those who enjoy tournament fishing
  • Aviation Ball - Formal fall event sponsored to celebrate Army Aviation
  • Whitewater Rafting - One day opportunity to experience for members and families
  • Oktoberfest Celebration - sponsored by TVC for members and families
  • Thanksgiving Social - celebration sponsored by TVC for members and families
  • Christmas Social - celebration sponsored by TVC for members and families
  • Jack Daniels Tour - sponsored by TVC for members and families

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Chapter Officers

Full NamePosition
Mr. Gary S. NenningerPresident
COL John J. Maher, Ret.SeniorVP
Ms. Shannon L. MurphySecretary
COL Gerald R. Davis, Jr. Ret.Treasurer
COL William Thomas Breeze, Ret.VP National Guard & Reserves
CW5 Chadwick D. Ford, Ret.VP Operations
LTC Tom T. Huff, Ret.VP Scholarship
CSM Randy L. Wise, Ret.VP Awards
1SG Matthew D. Shattuck, Ret.VP Communications
LTC John S. Bolton, Ret.VP Civilian Affairs
LTC Jeffrey A. Crabb, Ret.VP Industry Affairs
LTC Greg Oelberg, Ret.VP Programs
COL Nicholas DilleVP Chapter Logistics
LTC Bradley N. Bruce, Ret.VP Community Relations
COL Joe S. MinorVP CribbinsAPS
CSM Leon Hite, Jr. Ret.VP EnlistedAffairs
Mr. Mark MarcusVP Government Affairs
CW4 Michael J. Durant, Ret.VP MembEnrollment
MAJ Christian AbneyVP Military Affairs
Mrs. Janice L. SandersVP Publicity
COL Johnathan B. Frasier, Ret.VP Veterans Affairs
COL Brian R. Tachias, Sr. Ret.VP Young Professionals Outreach

Chapter Meetings & Events


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America