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Wright Brothers Chapter

The Wright Brothers Chapter of the Army Aviation Association of America was established in 1991 in order to commemorate and document the contributions of Army Air Crews from Ohio in the defense of their country, and to recruit and support future generations of Aviators. Mission: Promote Army Aviation in Ohio. Motivate Army Aviation Personnel to increase knowledge, techniques, and skills. Recognize outstanding contributions to Army Aviation. Exchange ideas and disseminate information promoting Army Aviation to the media / community. Provide special group programs of benefit to the individual members. Stimulate good fellowship between Army Aviation related personnel. Foster a public understanding of Army Aviation and inspire public interest and support in Ohio. Cement relationships between all Aviation Units, Army Aviation Support Facilities, Local Industry and Wright Brothers Chapter members in Ohio. Conduct quarterly meetings and events in support of Army Aviation interests. 

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Annual Events

  • Quarterly Chapter Meetings

Chapter Officers

Full NamePosition
LTC Kristopher J. JohnsonPresident
MAJ John D. HowardSeniorVP
SFC Daniel HingstonTreasurer
COL Ryan C. SommerVP Operations
CPT Jeffrey S. Gyurcsik, Ret.VP Scholarship
CW5 Rolando SanchezVP Scholarship
SFC Bernard J. Miesse, Ret.VP Social Events

Chapter Meetings & Events


Official Publication of the Army Aviation Association of America